You have landed on the donations page for Inspired! Please select one of the payment options below
For one off donations, Please click below to go to our crowdfunding page
Recurring donations
Due to our relatively small size and the costs of setting up a recurring payment portal, We ask you to set up a standing order with your bank. Please give your bank the following details and please contact us to let us know the amount/frequency of your donation
Suggested amounts £5, £10 or £20 per month
Bank - Barclays Bank
Account name : Inspired! the creative school for young musicians
Sort Code 20-58-17
Account Number 23258807
Due to our relatively small size and the costs of setting up a recurring payment portal, We ask you to set up a standing order with your bank. Please give your bank the following details and please contact us to let us know the amount/frequency of your donation
Suggested amounts £5, £10 or £20 per month
Bank - Barclays Bank
Account name : Inspired! the creative school for young musicians
Sort Code 20-58-17
Account Number 23258807
Thankyou for your support!